Class Enrollment

Class Registration
ACLS Renewal (1 Day Course)
Date/Time: Mon 10/20/2025 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Suburban General Hospital - 2nd Floor
Class Price: $250.00
Notes: Course participants MUST hold a current (as of the class start date) AHA ACLS Provider wallet card to be eligible to register and attend this program. If the AGH Training Center did not issue your current card, or if you have had a name change, please email your wallet card copy (front and back) to both and

For all participants requiring tuition payment: Any unpaid registration will be cancelled. No exceptions can be made. Checks and cash are no longer accepted for Tuition payments. Please contact Rhonda Shepard at 412-491-2019 from 0900-1700 Monday through Friday to arrange for a credit card or debit card payment.

ACLS Renewal - one day course.  

  • Registrants must hold a current AHA ACLS Provider credential card valid at the time they are attending class. ASHI and web based programs issuing wallet cards are invalid for this purpose. Registrations will not be accepted with an expired credential.

  • If the AGH Training Center did not issue your current credential, please email a copy of your current AHA ACLS Provider wallet card to and to verify eligibility. If we do not receive a copy of your card you will be considered ineligible for the class and your registration will be cancelled.

  • Please select the correct PROMO code on registration. They're found on the right side of your computer screen.

  • Please use your AHN email address on registration to receive the auto generated confirmation email.

  • A CPR credential will not be issued through attendance of this course.

Allegheny General Hospital is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Allegheny General Hospital designates this live activity for a maximum of 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM   

Instructions to create your Ethos CEU account will be attached to your confirmation email.  Please create your Ethos account prior to your course date. 



Please enter the appropriate code for your registration, these codes will reduce or eliminate the tuition obligation based on your current employment status. The PROMO code selected for any registration will be reviewed for eligibility. Leave this field blank if none of the below apply. 

EMPREQ - AHN Employees attending a course required for current position. You must have an AHN Employee ID number and provide your Department name in your registration to use this code.This code is not applicable for Travel Nurse placement at AHN.

EMPNOTREQ - System employees attending a course that is not required for their current position (code only valid for ACLS and PALS). You must have an AHN Employee ID number in your registration to use this code. This code is not applicable for Travel Nurse placement at AHN

SYSREQ - AHN System Command Paramedics. This code is exclusively used by Paramedics for ACLS, BLS, PALS, and PHTLS Courses that are required to maintain Medical Command status. This Code is not valid for an Instructor Course.

SYSAFF - Affiliate of AHN but not an employee example: student of WPH, CGH, AVH (code not valid for CPR, PHTLS or Instructor course)

MEDICNONSYSTEM - Paramedics (EMT-P) who do not receive medical command through AHN. ACCME CEU's will not be awarded for ACLS or PALS when this code is used.

EMERUS - This code is for use by Emerus Employees Only. 

USACS - This code is for use by USACS employees only.  

HIGHMARK - This code is for use by Highmark employees only if the credential is required for the current position.

Allegheny General Hospital is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation Statement

 Allegheny General Hospital designates each live activity for a maximum AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM .  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.